This is the answer our CEO, Doni-Jo Minor-Munro gave when asked in a recent interview if the Tsa HO fa organization would survive--"We have to"--and it speaks volumes to her passion, ambition, and refusal to even entertain failure. Tsa HO fa is an alliance of Traditional Indian Educators providing American Indian children with grant programs, and we are ready to ramp up fundraising efforts in 2020. With your support we can fully realize our dream of providing a mentally and physically healthy, happy, safe future for our Native American children. For the price of your morning coffee you could make a tremendous difference in the lives of these children today. We humbly ask you to contribute anything you can below, because the time is now.
Also, please remember: You don't have to be Native American to help us! Everyone is welcome to make a difference. We are all people together in this world.
We invite you to contribute to Tsa HO fa by clicking the PayPal link directly below. Your donation means more to our children than you'll ever know.